Procedures for Federation Races
Basketing and Clock Reading Centres
Clubs are to arrange their own centres for basketing and clock reading for all Federation races.
Master Timer
The club Master Timer must be synchronised with the Federation Master timer held by the Federation Race Secretary. Clubs are to ring the Secretary between 6.15 and 6.45pm on both basketing and clock reading nights to synchronise each master timer.
Arrival Time
Members must be at their basketing centre before 7.00 p.m. on the basketing night at the latest to ensure the early completion of basketing. Stamp off is at 7.30pm
Basketing Arrangements
Two or more clubs must basket together using one ringer per table.
Secretarial Requirements
All race entry sheets must be entered onto a Master sheet before being tabled for race marking, the club Secretary must rule under the last bird entry and sign the entry sheet. Once a race sheet has been tabled and race marked it must go directly into the ballot box.
Club Secretaries are to balance their Master Sheet, attach their cheque and submit Federation Secretary. Clock sign out sheets are to be completed by the Club Secretary ready for the Committee’s inspection.
Race/Stationery Requirements
Race Rubbers, seals, string, master sheets, envelopes, pins, chalk etc are the responsibility of each club for all races basketed in their centre.
Rules for the Protection of Flyer
No member may mark or pencil their own entry sheet or handle or ring their own pigeons, nor set, sign or countersign their own clock. Secretaries are to obtain the signature of another official on their own entry form.
Entry Sheets
Entry sheets for Federation Federation races must be filled in correctly, legibly and in numerical order with one entry per line on an approved entry form.
The main colour of the bird should be shown in full e.g. Blue Bar w/f or Black Ch. Life ring number, club and year must be entered in full (except that zeros before ring number may be omitted.) Dittos or ticks are acceptable under Breeder’s name only.
Members name must be printed legibly on the Entry Form in addition to their signature.
Markers are to check for errors on entry forms. Any form found to be incorrect must be corrected prior to being tabled for race marking. In the event of a clerical error being made by the person marking the entry form, the benefit of the doubt is to be in the flyer’s favour, the Committee will arbitrate. Markers are to sign each race sheet after race marking is complete.
NB Birds cannot be added to the entry form by the race marker but details of birds already on the sheet may be corrected if required. Race handlers should call out the full life ring details not just the numbers, as mistakes may lead to disqualification if an incorrectly entered bird is clocked.
Showing Race Rubbers
Race handlers must show the bird and race rubber or e-ring attached to the bird’s leg to the crate marker before placing the same in the race crates.
Duties of Crate Supervisors/Markers (Only responsible people should be nominated for this job)
- Club committees must ensure that there are 4 Flying members competing & present when basketing for any QRPF race. Should there not be enough members present or competitors then that club is required to basket at any other approved QRPF basket facility
- Check that every bird bears a race rubber.
- Check that birds bearing special brands or rings are NOT put into the crates.
- Check that cocks and hens are placed in the correct crates.
- Mark the crate as each bird is placed in it and ensure that the maximum number of birds permitted is not exceeded.
- Prevent unauthorised people from interfering with birds in crates. Members on crate duty are responsible ONLY to the President or Secretary, or their nominee.
- Any person refusing to co-operate with crate supervisors should not be allowed to place the bird into a crate and the matter referred to the President or Secretary.
Clock Setting
All clocks are to be set for Federation races by appointed club clock setters. The following must be written on the tape
- member’s name
- race-point,
- date,
- time set and
- two signatures are required on each tape.
- Clocks are to be tied with string and sealed. Another club must set club spare locks.
Club Committees are responsible for ensuring that the details of birds removed from the section centre on the basketing night are recorded.
Clubs are to ensure that two members from different clubs accompany the race birds to the federation centre for transporting to the race point. - Race Crate Delivery
The deadline for delivery of race crates to the transporter on the basketing night is 9pm, except as directed by the management committee to meet a particular deadline - CLOCK READING NIGHT
- Strike Off
Section/Club Committees must ensure that there are 4 flying members present for stamping off for any QRPF race. Should there not be enough members flying that race then that Section/Club is required to stamp off and read their clocks at any other approved QRPF basketing facility.
There may be two strike-offs on clock reading nights. The first up to 5 minutes before the advertised time and the second at the scheduled time.
NOTE: Any member not in the centre for the first strike-off must notify the President or Secretary. - Clock Opening
On clock reading nights each club must have an independent member of a second club to supervise the opening of their clocks and endorsement of clock tapes.
Seals and tapes should be checked when opening the clock.
Clock Tapes
The following is required on each stamp on the clock tape or printout.- Hole No.
- Rubbers No.
- Bird No.
- Clocking time
(NB.) The second-hand mark on the tape when not fully on the graduation is to be read back.
Loss and Gain
The allowable loss or gain for race clocks is 3 seconds per hour either way.Checking of Rubbers Against Entry Sheets
Rubbers to be placed on the relevant tab, marked against rubber number recorded on the entry sheet and then replaced in the envelope and attached to the entry sheet.Calculation of Velocities
Clubs should ensure they pass their member’s entry sheets and tapes to the section secretary as soon as possible to ensure the section result is calculated quickly. Sections are to use the QRPF race calculation program to calculate all QRPF races. This will ensure an overall Open Federation result can be produced quickly.Management Committee Authority and obligations
Federation Committee members are the elected representatives of the Federation and as such, they are responsible for the management of Federation business. By virtue of their positions, they will be the senior officers at section centres that they attend. They will take precedence over all other members except the Federation President & Section President. They will be present in a supervisory and advisory role on matters of QRPF procedure and policy if required.
They have the right to visit any centre but courtesy requires that they make their presence known to the Section President and other Committee persons - Strike Off