Convoyer’s Guide
General Procedures:
- The conveyer is to ensure the transporter has ample feed and water supplies before departure from Brisbane.
- The transporter is to proceed to the race point by the most direct route, avoiding dirt roads.
- The liberator is to record the time of arrival at the race point and ring the liberation committee contact to advise of any delays and the eventual arrival as soon as practical.
- The transporter must be at the release site at least 4 hours before release or before nightfall in the case of races being release EAP the next day.
- The transporter is to be parked at the liberation site in an open area away from power lines, trees and buildings and where possible the transporter should be facing Brisbane.
- Once in position for the release the transporter should not be moved again for at least 4 hours prior to release, this will avoid upsetting the race bird’s orientation.
- The race birds are to be fed and watered as soon as possible after arrival. Note: for overnight releases the birds should receive water only (no feed).
- The race transporter is not to be left unattended at any time.
- The transporter can be left fully open during daylight hours provided it is not raining. The transporter must be closed of a night to ensure the safety and security of the birds, particularly from cats. The roller doors can be left partly opened for ventilation.
- Telephone the liberation committee’s contact to advise local conditions including weather, visibility, wind direction and strength etc before releasing the birds. Note: Liberation must NOT proceed without the approval of the QRPF Liberation Committee.
- The liberation committee will take responsibility for the release of the race birds and will give instructions when the birds are to be released.
- Do not release the race birds without the liberation committee’s permission
- Once permission for the release has been obtained, the strings on the race crates should be cut thirty minutes prior to the release time.
- Strings on race crates that are marked for later releases should not be cut until thirty minutes prior to their release.
- With the release gear levers at the end of the transporter in the up (locked) position, release the catches on the race crates to allow the crate doors to lean against the release gear bolts.
- At release time and after obtaining permission for the release from the liberation committee, pull the levers of lower-level release gear on both sides of the transporter. Wait a few seconds and then then pull the levers for the upper levels to release the birds in the top half of the transporter. The lower level birds are released first to avoid being pushed to the ground by the large number of birds coming out above them.
- After release, check all crate doors have opened and that all birds have left the transporter.
- Record the release details on the Report Sheet and phone the details to the liberation committee as soon as possible.
- Pack the drinkers and feed containers away, re-clip the crate doors, close up the transporter, open the drain tap on the bulk water supplies (to allow the storage container to empty and dry out before next week) and head for home.
- EAP means as “early as practical”. The sun must be a “full ball” above the horizon before release.
- Rain, mist and fog are major hazards to the birds successfully returning to their home lofts and must be avoided.
Friday night departures:
Follow general procedures as above and;
- Proceed direct to the race point avoiding delays but abiding by traffic rules (no speeding).
- At daybreak fully open the transporter (except if raining), fill the water trough and attach two drinkers to each crate as necessary and water the birds NO FEED.
- Phone the liberation committee contact as soon as practical the next morning and advise the weather conditions.
- Wait for permission to release the birds.
- Follow general procedures for release.
Thursday night departures:
- Proceed direct to the race point avoiding delays but abiding by traffic rules (no speeding).
- If able to reach the race point by midday, drive directly to the race point taking into consideration Qld Transport Department’s restrictions on the hours a transport driver can continue driving before resting.
- Feed and water the birds continuously. Water can remain on the race crates up until release; feed is to be removed at 8 pm the night before release.
- If unable to reach the race point before midday, stop mid-morning for a couple of hours to rest and water the birds. On completion remove the water from the crates and continue on to the race point.
- Arrival at the race point must be four hours before sundown to allow the birds time to settle, get their bearings, feed and drink.
- If delayed on route to the race point, keep the liberation committee informed of your whereabouts at all times
- Telephone the liberation committee the night before release to discuss the possibility of releasing the early next morning. Telephone again the next morning before releasing the birds to confirm the suitability for release.
- Follow the general procedures for the release of the birds at the scheduled time.
Wednesday departures:
- Follow general procedures before leaving and ensure extra feed is taken and water storage vessels are full.
- Proceed direct to the race point avoiding delays but abiding by traffic rules (no speeding).
- Stop to rest, feed and water the birds for at least four hours on the Thursday commencing approximately midday. It is not necessary to reach the race point before Friday midday and therefore the birds should be well-rested, fed and watered along the way.
- Take into consideration the Qld Transport Department’s restrictions on the hours a transport driver can continue driving before resting. Rest for longer periods if necessary.
- On reaching the race point feed and water the birds. Water can stay on the race crates up until release; the feed is to be removed at 8pm the night before release.
- Keep the liberation committee informed of your progress to the race point.
- Telephone the liberation committee the night before release to discuss the possibility of releasing early the next morning. Telephone again the next morning before releasing the birds to confirm the suitability for release.
- In the event of a holdover and if feed and water supplies are exhausted use local town water and buy corn and wheat from local produce agent.
- If problems arising with local telephone networks contact the nearest police station for assistance.
- Follow general procedures for releasing the birds.
Tuesday Departures:
- Follow general procedures before leaving and ensure extra feed is taken and the transporter’s water storage vessels are full, take extra water vessels.
- Proceed direct to the race point avoiding delays but abiding by traffic rules (no speeding).
- Stop to rest, feed and water the birds for at least four hours on the Wednesday commencing approximately midday. It is not necessary to reach the race point before midday Thursday and therefore the birds should be well rested, fed and watered along the way.
- Take into consideration the Qld Transport Department’s restrictions on the hours a transport driver can continue driving before resting. Rest for longer periods if necessary.
- Keep the liberation committee informed of your progress to the race point by regular telephone calls.
- On reaching the race point feed and water the birds. Water can stay on the race crates up until release; feed is to be removed at 8pm the night before release.
- Telephone the liberation committee the night before release to discuss the possibility of releasing the next morning. Telephone again the next morning before releasing the birds to confirm the suitability for release.
- In the event of a hold over and if feed and water supplies are exhausted use local town water and buy corn and wheat from local produce agent.
- If problems arise with local telephone networks contact the nearest police station for assistance.