Schedule of Fees for 2024
Full Membership fees $125.00 per member or partnership
Associate Membership (non-racing, non-voting member) $62.50
Club affiliation Fees $1.00 per club.
In addition to membership fees, Flying Fees are also payable by each member wishing to race pigeons with the QRPF, this is a once-per-year up-front fee to transport each member’s pigeons to each race point on the race schedule.
Members have the choice of racing either a maximum team of 30 birds or 15 birds or 10 Birds each week.
30 bird race team cost is $475
15 bird race team cost is $375
10 bird race team cost is $275
All members who paid $125.00 deposits before the end of October 2023 will get a $50.00 discount off their flying fee.
People who were not a paid-up financial member in 2023 MUST make an application to join or re-join the QRPF.
Application forms must be signed and seconded by two existing members and submitted to the QRPF Secretary for approval by the Management Committee
.Open Federation Race Entry Fees 2024 North
Members who wish to compete in Special Open Federation races (separate release) with Federation points must pay an entry fee in addition to their upfront fees. These entry fees are set out below:
YB Futurity (5 birds max) Marlborough 600klms | $5.00 per bird |
All-Age Derby (5 birds max) Marlborough 600klms | $5.00 per bird |
Open National (5 birds max) St Lawrence 680klms | $5.00 per bird |
In the above Open Federation races clubs are to collect entry fees & pool money and forward to the Fed Secretary for distribution to the Open Fed winners.